Festival Federico Cesi programs in August more than 60 evening and afternoon concerts in Trevi, Spello, Spoleto, Acquasparta; at the same time Post Degree Courses of the Summer College are organized there. The Exhibition, ensuring the best audience flow, is strategically held during the activities of the Guitar Stages, with the presence of about 50 staying students and many Professors and Concertists including: Frank Bungarten, Gian Marco Ciampa, Claudio Marcotulli, Guido Fichtner, Andrea Pace, Cristiano Poli Cappelli, Adriano Rullo, Monica Paolini, Walter Zanetti, Stefano Palamidessi. During the days of exhibition, from morning till night, a lot of musical events will be programmed: concerts, public rehearsals, open stage concerts with live streaming, musical happening and wine tasting, for the highest number of insiders.